Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 12 (1984)(16-48 Tape Magazine).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   8 """""""""""
   5 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE":
   5  16/48 Magazine Ltd.   *6\$:
   4 z$="02020303RTL"
   4 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
   4 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\
   4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   4 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
   4 ;"Press any key to continue":
   4 16/48 script
   4 ((prog+474
   4 """"""""""""""""
   3 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE":
   3 i,j,k,l,t,n:
   3 ;"planets"
   3 ;"16/48D&G12":
   3 ;"                                ":
   3 ,"Jeudi",6
   2 z$="ll010102"+a$:
   2 z$="12030304CHAPTER 3":
   2 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE":
   2 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE":
   2 z$="06070104MACHINE CODE TUTOR":
   2 z$="0310020216/48":
   2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   2 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
   2 agazine Ltd*S\
   2 T#l#-journal
   2 @@@@@@@@@@
   2 ;"tutor3.2":
   2 ;"tutor3.1":
   2 ;"the following POKEs:"
   2 ;"ZOUNDS":
   2 ;"XMAS 16/48"
   2 ;"TO USE  ";
   2 ;"TO LOAD ";
   2 ;"TO ALTER";
   2 ;"RANDOMIZE USR x after";
   2 ;"PRESS A KEY (
   2 ;"POKE USR 'a'-";s;",":
   2 ;"HIT A KEY(
   2 ;"CLEAR x-1";
   2 ;"ADVERT":
   2 ;" 16/48   DECEMBER 84    TAPE 12 "
   2 ,"DJNZ NEXT",21
   2 ****************
   2 ((prog+168
   2 "Sommaire",4
   2 "                                                                ":
   2  to read again.";
   2  to quit)":
   2  to quit and load part 2.":
   2  to page backwards."''''"  
   2  1984 A.P.S.
   1 ~#~(~-~.~3~>~C~H~K~P~Q~R~
   1 z$="ll130201AND ":
   1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN":
   1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS":
   1 z$="ll000202"+a$:
   1 z$="18160202P.Lant.":
   1 z$="18070303PART 2":
   1 z$="18070303PART 1":
   1 z$="18010202THEN READ ON....":
   1 z$="18000102GRAPHICS EXPLAINED?  MAY BE!":
   1 z$="17030305inksfield":
   1 z$="17000305L":
   1 z$="16000203MUSIC TYPEWRITER":
   1 z$="16000102BREAK DISABLED?      PROBABLY,":
   1 z$="15020303MNEMONICS.":
   1 z$="14010102MISSED THE 9:10 TO LEATHERHEAD?":
   1 z$="14000102INSTANT GRAPHICS?    YES,":
   1 z$="13130402&":
   1 z$="11010102CAN'T FIND YOUR DEERSTALKER?":
   1 z$="11000404ASSEMBLY":
   1 z$="11000102OUT(254),A   or  OUT (FEh),A":
   1 z$="10000203LET THE TAPE RUN":
   1 z$="09000104You have to admit - it is quick!":
   1 z$="08040203MUSICMASTER":
   1 z$="08030305#l#vision":
   1 z$="08030202STOP THE TAPE":
   1 z$="08010102WATSONS GOT YOUR PAPER?":
   1 z$="08000405pr#sente":
   1 z$="08000305T":
   1 z$="07120405AVE!":
   1 z$="07060201HELP MENU":
   1 z$="07040302SHERLOCK":
   1 z$="07000102IN A,(C)":
   1 z$="05010617MUSIC":
   1 z$="05000102LD BC,65278(or FEFEh)":
   1 z$="03160201M#t#o":
   1 z$="03150201Tennis":
   1 z$="03140201Voyages":
   1 z$="03120201T#l#films":
   1 z$="03120201Football":
   1 z$="03120201Choisissez":
   1 z$="03120201Actualit#s":
   1 z$="03080201Plat du Jour":
   1 z$="03080201Hit-Parade":
   1 z$="03060202ADD  (HL)":
   1 z$="02220202MENU":
   1 z$="02020415TEXTELE":
   1 z$="02020303RTL":
   1 z$="01010204Electronic mail":
   1 z$="00140201OF":
   1 z$="00060102WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT?":
   1 z$="00040202THE PROBLEM":
   1 z$="00030305adio   et":
   1 z$="00030202INS AND OUTS":
   1 z$="00020305EDITORIAL":
   1 z$="00020202HOW TO USE IT":
   1 z$="000202028 BIT LOADING":
   1 z$="00010505REVIEW":
   1 z$="00010402JUMPING":
   1 z$="00010302HEX CODES":
   1 z$="00010302A PROGRAM!":
   1 z$="0001020216 BIT LOADING":
   1 z$="00010102Arithmetic & Logic Operations.":
   1 z$="00000802E.G.":
   1 z$="0000060516 48":
   1 z$="00000305R":
   1 z$="00000302Voyages":
   1 z$="00000302M#t#o":
   1 z$="00000202WITH COMPLIMENTS":
   1 z$="00000202NOW LET'S RUN IT":
   1 z$="00000202ASSEMBLY LISTING":
   1 z$="00000102 SAVING 'WARBLE' CODE 62310,25  ":
   1 z$="00000102  SAVING 'SIREN' CODE 62340,21":
   1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
   1 wwwwwwwwwwwww
   1 we demonstrated the 10 types of operation which can be performedby the ALU (Arithmetic and LogicUnit). This month we extend our repertoire of instructions and  establish the conventional way  of representing them as-":
   1 tutor3.2  
   1 tutor3.1  9
   1 team by sprinting, long  jumping,hurdles and pole vauting against set stan-dards. This is yet       another sports simulationgame. The graphics are   good but there are only  four events which are    repeated at each of the  three stages. I retired  
   1 savait trop
   1 rev2      
   1 rev1      _
   1 r6/#6/#6/:
   1 r,x;z$(x):
   1 psytrax   
   1 planets   0
   1 p$="Relative jumps can be up to 127 bytes forward or 128 bytes back.CC can be Z(zero flag set), NZ(zero flag reset), C or NC (carry flag set or reset, M(sign flag set for a minus number).":
   1 p$="INC HL"
   1 p$="DEC HL"
   1 p$="62328...30  205 181 3":
   1 p$="62319...21  205 181 3":
   1 p$="1122334455667722744":
   1 p$="(Most assemblers assume A)":
   1 options.Some screens are easy,some difficult. Whatmakes this game special  is the fact that it fits in 16K and therefore a   must for 16K die-hards   (see our special up gradeoffer). Conclusion:      Pyramania is better but  16K'ers wouldn't know.   
   1 n,o;"                                ":
   1 m$="Yes he is. Have a look in his<Bedroom and if this doesn't<convince you, open his safe-<he...he...he.":
   1 m$="YOU'RE RIGHT.":
   1 m$="Try these,<Follow all. when in cab, FOLLOW<BASIL open the safe when<wearing disguise. This one's<lethal- GET ZE also try<GET ZA.  ":
   1 m$="This must be one of the most<eagerly awaited Adventures<ever. The sequel of Philip<Mitchell's much acclaimed<adventure, the Hobbit. Sherlock<was Programmed by a team led by<Philip Mitchell and was fifteen<months in the making (five<months overdue). So how does<Sherlock compare with the<greatest adventure ever told,<the ever popular Hobbit?":
   1 m$="There is no doubt that<Sherlock is a very<sophisticated program, probably<the most sophisticated<Adventure program on any home<micro to date. It isn't totally<bug free and I have had out of<memory messages twice! The<story line is also very<complicated (things are not<what they seem!).":
   1 m$="There is a big difference<between EXAMINE THE.... and<CAREFULLY EXAMINE THE..... ":
   1 m$="The program contains some<very efficient text compression<routines giving sherlock a<massive vocabulary of over 800<words! There is plenty of text,<with lots of atmosphere. The<graphics are sparse and<something of a disapointment,<being restricted to one side of<the screen and rather crude.":
   1 m$="The game is played in real-<time with every action adding a<minute or two to the displayed<clock. The time is quite<important as the trains and the<Underground run to efficent<timetables. The most impressive<features of the program are the<independance of the characters<and the ability to interrogate<them; they can also question<each other.":
   1 m$="Take the China mans disguise<then wear disguise. When asked<which one reply old mans.":
   1 m$="It isn't long until you<discover the crime is murder!<Two women have been killed in<Leatherhead. The problem now is<how to get from Baker Street to<Leatherhead? It would be very<unfitting for Mr Holmes to walk<such a distance, and for this<reason the game has a public<transport system complete with<Hansom cabs, Steam trains and<London Underground trains(yes<they did exist then).":
   1 m$="In Sherlock,as you may have<guessed, you play the role of<the fictitious Victorian<sleuth, Sherlock Holmes. The<game starts with you in your<lodgings at 221b Baker Street,<with the ever-faithful<Dr Watson (Thorin?) who is<reading the Daily Chronicle.<Your first problem is to<discover the crime to solve (no<treasure in this game).":
   1 m$="If you have discovered any<solutions, interesting short<cuts or bugs in any adventure<game then drop us a line at<16/48. We will send you `5 if<we publish your contribution.<Send us your problems and we<will do our best to save you<from death, destruction and<an over-heated Spectrum.":
   1 m$="I've made quite reasonable<headway with Sherlock and I am<now waiting for the avalanch of<queries to fall on my desk, and< so, from next month there will< be a special Sherlock Sleuth<corner in D&G. For now, I've<put together a few hints and<things to help you get into the< game.  ":
   1 m$="I think it's in the stream by<the Sandstone bridge.<CAREFULLY examine it yourself.":
   1 m$="I know it makes you look<silly but take the oil lamp<with you.":
   1 m$="I don't think so.":
   1 m$="Go to Kings Cross and follow<Lestrade. Very informative!":
   1 m$=" Yes hijack a cabbie and take<him with you<SAY TO CABBIE<~GO directions~ ~CLIMB IN~ My<one eventually jumped off the<train.":
   1 letter    
   1 halfway through the      Olympic competition with a strained index finger. The events are rather    too easy and do not      provide a lasting        challenge. User defined  keys can be used to      spread the wear & tear.  I'll stick with Daley.   
   1 ffffffffffffffff
   1 ffffffffffffff
   1 edit      O
   1 dffff3333333333333333
   1 d;e?eReqexe}e
   1 d'd.d5d>dJdVd]dddkdrd~d
   1 comp12    ;
   1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
   1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbb
   1 bbbbbbbbFFbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFFbbbb
   1 bbbbbbFFbbbb
   1 basic it will assign to x the   number held in the BC register  pair."
   1 `fffffffff6
   1 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
   1 ZOUNDS    
   1 Z$="19090202PRESENT":
   1 Z$="1800020348K ZX SPECTRUM!":
   1 Z$="18000202C":
   1 Z$="18000102WEEKEND FOR TWO IN PARIS":
   1 Z$="16000102AND YOU MAY WIN A REAL LIFE":
   1 Z$="15000102Price: `10.95 (P&P FREE)":
   1 Z$="14180204DREAMS":
   1 Z$="14090203AND THE":
   1 Z$="14080203NEAR YOU":
   1 Z$="14020204STAR":
   1 Z$="13000202B":
   1 Z$="13000102LAST CHANCE MINE":
   1 Z$="11000102YOU'LL GET LOST IN THE":
   1 Z$="10060102Arr*tez la cassette.":
   1 Z$="10030203TWO 48K PARTS":
   1 Z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE":
   1 Z$="10020203IN YOUR DREAMS":
   1 Z$="09190203COMETH":
   1 Z$="09030203TO A SPECTRUM":
   1 Z$="09000102THOUSANDS.":
   1 Z$="08000202A":
   1 Z$="08000102Star Dreams":
   1 Z$="07160102AND A CAST OF":
   1 Z$="07000102THE CHEDDAR CAT":
   1 Z$="06030406S":
   1 Z$="06030203PRODUCTION IN":
   1 Z$="06000203THAT TAKES PLACE":
   1 Z$="05090102THE SANDMAN,":
   1 Z$="05070406A":
   1 Z$="05000102STARRING":
   1 Z$="05000102PART OF A SECRET AGENT":
   1 Z$="04110406N":
   1 Z$="03150406D":
   1 Z$="03120201Programmes":
   1 Z$="03050204COMING SOON":
   1 Z$="02190406M":
   1 Z$="02070203A MAMMOTH":
   1 Z$="02030203THE ADVENTURE":
   1 Z$="02000303RTL1"
   1 Z$="02000102MAYHEM.":
   1 Z$="01230406A":
   1 Z$="01190102COMETH":
   1 Z$="00270406N":
   1 Z$="00040203SANDMAN":
   1 Z$="00030203THE":
   1 Z$="00000102THE":
   1 You enter your offence   /defence plays in the    form of two letter codes e.g. BL=BLitz. After bothplayer and computer ( or players) have decided on their tatics the teams   run around the screen andact out the plays. A     commentary is also given.
   1 XMAS ADV  !
   1 XMAS 16/48O
   1 W         
   1 Three user defined keys  or a joystick control therunning, jumping and     throwing. Apart from the lack of fellow           competitors and the fact that Mr Thompson looks a little off colour I      cannot fault this        excellent game.          
   1 Though you are well      equipped with sword and  shield you have no       protection against the   castle's weird and variedguardians. As in M.M yourcontrols are left,right  and jump. The keyboard   controls are well placed and there are joystick   
   1 This is simply an 'alien zap' game in a vast maze.The sprites are large    and the animation fast   and smooth, but the maze is rather uniform and    sparse (well the 40-50   rooms I've seen are).    Recommended, if you like that sort of thing.      
   1 The program is split intotwo parts. Day one (on   side A) features- 100    metres,Long jump, Shot-  put,High jump and 400    metres. Day two (side B) features- 110 metres     Hurdles, Discus, Pole-   vault, Javelin and the   1500 metres.             
   1 The keyboard controls arewell thought-out and     particular care has been used to create a clear   visual display. The      animation, though not    totally smooth, is fairlyfast and close to the    arcade original.         Recommended.             
   1 TITLES=8500
   1 THE EDGE,                31 MAIDEN LANE,          COVENT GARDEN,           LONDON WC2.              
   1 TEXTELE   
   1 T#l#-Sports
   1 Statistics of the game   can also be displayed    (very American). The onlything missing was the    Hotdog vender and the    Cheerleaders. The manual even helped me understandthe game while watching  Channel 4. Recommended   but pricey.              
   1 Sport     p
   1 Sir Lance 
   1 See chapter 26 in the manual.
   1 SPORTS HERO     PROGRAM: IN HOUSE        MEMORY 48K ONLY          PRICE `6.95              MELBOURNE HOUSE          CASTLE YARD HOUSE,       CASTLE YARD,             RICHMOND,                TW10 6TF.                
   1 SPORTS HERO     From jumping dustbins to Olympic team is the dreamof our sports hero. But  first you must obtain a  University Scholarship.  (Please don't ask me     which University.)       It's up to you to secure that place in the Olympic
   1 Routine for each letter
   1 Repeats?              
   1 Reggae Nights
   1 R$=                     "             
   1 Quicksilva's Battlezone  is the most faithful     implementation of this   classic arcade game to   date. All the features ofthe original are to be   found, including those   adrenalin producing,     missiles not found in theother Spectrum versions. 
   1 Q$=                     "             
   1 PSYTRAXX       Remember when people wentWOW! over the fact that  Manic Miner had twenty   screens of arcade action and then WOW! when       Sabrewulf arrived with animpossible 255. Well     Psytraxx has over 1000   screens!!                
   1 PSYTRAXX       MEMORY 48K               PROGRAM: ANDREW BEALE.   PRICE `7.95              
   1 PRINTER=8950
   1 PRINTER    
   1 PLEASE INPUT YOUR NAME    00   00:00 
   1 PAGETWO=8760
   1 P$=                   " 
   1 Owner of a Lonely Heart
   1 Orginal Sin
   1 On Va S'aimer
   1 O$="                                "
   1 N$="T-tourner  R-retourner C-choisir"
   1 Miss Paramount
   1 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$:
   1 Macabre d#couverte
   1 MAINLOOP=1000
   1 M$="Quelle page voulez-vous lire?":
   1 M$="DATA-VUE de l'RTL":
   1 M$="Appuyez sur 1 ! 8 (Q=quitter)":
   1 M$="  S#lection de pages du syst%me":
   1 Lucky Luke
   1 London W4 4PH.
   1 London W1R 3AB.
   1 La grande barri%re de
   1 L'homme qui en
   1 L'a#roport de Kaboul attaqu#
   1 Issue 12 Competition
   1 HmAENmAEYmFx_mPygmP~nmU
   1 Gerona, Espagne
   1 GGGGGGGGGGBBBBBGpxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````pxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhpxp`````````````````````````````pxp`````````````````````````````
   1 GGGGGGGFFFFFFFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 GFFFFFFFGDDEEEEGpxp0000000000000GWWWWWGFGDDEEEEGpxp0000000000000GxxxxxGGGGGGGGGGpxp
   1 G ""ANIMATE""*"
   1 G         
   1 Faire sauter
   1 Faire cuire
   1 FFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
   1 F ""TEXTELE""*
   1 Envole-Moi
   1 E ""ZOUNDS""*
   1 Duration 2 ?          
   1 Duration 1 ?          
   1 Des Grands-Montets
   1 Decimal start pitch?
   1 Decimal pitch 2 ?     
   1 Decimal pitch 1 ?     
   1 Daley Thompson,s           
   1 Daley Thompson's           
   1 DECATHLON      This is an excellent     version of the popular   arcade game, Track and   Field. The game simulatesall ten events of this   demanding sport complete with officials,judges andapplauding spectators.   
   1 DECATHLON      PROGRAM: OCEAN IN-HOUSE  MEMORY 48K ONLY          PRICE `6.90              
   1 D.T.DEC   
   1 D ""comp12""
   1 Comp12, 16/48 Magazine
   1 Cast as a renegade       Microdroid, working in   the brain of a tyrant    robot emperor, it is yourtask to find the tyrant'sC.P.U. and pull the plug (what will they think of next). Your progress is  hampered by deadly rogue transistors,L.E.D.s etc. 
   1 CHOICES=8800
   1 C ""rev2""
   1 B<<dDd$fB~<B
   1 B< P\B]]B<
   1 B Zone    
   1 B ""SKY FIGHT""
   1 Argus Press Software Ltd,
   1 AmFoot    |
   1 Afghanistan
   1 Actualit#s R#gionales
   1 Actualit#s Flash
   1 ANIMATE   
   1 AMERICAN FOOTBALL 48KPROGRAM: P.RAWLING,      P.HARVEY AND CONCEPT     SOFTWARE.                PRICE `9.99              ARGUS PRESS SOFTWARE     1 GOLDEN SQUARE,         LONDON                   W1R 3AB                  
   1 AMERICAN FOOTBALL  This is my kind of team  sport, sitting in front  of my Spectrum while     sprite do the running    around. American Footballis a strategic simulationgame, where you, the teamcoach, make the decisionsand call the plays.      
   1 ADVERT    
   1 A$,Y,X,P,J,C
   1 A#roport Charles de Gaulle
   1 A ""16/48D&G12""
   1 ?@ABCDE6789
   1 >>>>>>>>(((///*:========>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>((((((*:=====?==>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>((((//?:
   1 >>>>>88888==888>888   < ========>>>>>>8888;;888>888     8::888881>>>>>>>8<<;8888888<    :::::::8)(((((((<<888888(((,    :::88888((((((((888888=8((((<<<88:888888((((((((8888888
   1 =>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>//(///?:========>>>>>>>>22222222///(//?88=======22222222********(-(///?89988====********(((((((((((---((9998====((((((((((((((((((((((((8999====(((((((((((<<<88888888
   1 ;"will send the contents of A to  the port which controls the loudspeaker(bit 4), the cassette micsocket (bit 3) and the border   colour(bits 0,1,2)."'"E.G. if A is 16(10h) the speakerwill be switched on and the     border will be black. If A is 0 the speaker will switch off."
   1 ;"tutor3.2"
   1 ;"tutor3.1"
   1 ;"to keys CAPS SHIFT - V."
   1 ;"or ADD  A,(HL) ";:
   1 ;"load A";
   1 ;"letter":
   1 ;"from the port connected";
   1 ;"Yours,":
   1 ;"XMAS ADV"
   1 ;"Well done player ";player:
   1 ;"Vous avez choisi page ";I
   1 ;"To save this type-face to tape  just BREAK out of the program & type":
   1 ;"This will";
   1 ;"This month a brief look at":
   1 ;"There are a few things I'd like to sort out regarding the new   magazine intended for the largerproportion of 48K machines."
   1 ;"The routine is currently stored as 20 bytes starting at address ";
   1 ;"The recorder seems reliable withmost commercial programs, but   lack of an asimuth adjustment   means that you may have trouble with some other tapes."'"The unfortunate development for Challenge is the advent of"'"custom loaders on much of the   current software. These newer   tapes will not load, and unless Challenge can persuade all the  software houses to agree on a   single fastload standard the    SPRINT will never totally"'"replace the recorder you are    using now."
   1 ;"The SPRINT recorder is a device consisting of a normal tape deckwhich runs at 4 times standard  speed and a replacement SpectrumROM. The ROM has a modified     cassette interface routine whichSAVES and LOADS at four times   normal speed."
   1 ;"TEXTELE":
   1 ;"TEXTELE"
   1 ;"TAPE 12   DECEMBER 84   SIDE 1"
   1 ;"So far so good, but it now has  to be said that the Sinclair    offering is written in mediocre BASIC and ROMANTIC ROBOT's MUSICTYPEWRITER makes full use of theextra power afforded by machine code."
   1 ;"Send letters, problems, ideas,  subscriptions or orders for     back issues to"'" 
   1 ;"START TAPE":
   1 ;"SKY FIGHT"
   1 ;"SIDE 2 LOADING"
   1 ;"SIDE 1 LOADING"
   1 ;"Romantic Robot say that they mayproduce versions which will     drive a full width printer and  be MIDI compatible. Add that to the transposing function and youhave a really powerful musiciansutility."''"Meanwhile my best recommendationis a small queue (not computer  enthusiasts) who can't wait to  write another tune."''"ROMANTIC ROBOT are at,"'"113 Melrose Ave, London NW2 4LX."
   1 ;"Rewind & play to Verify...":
   1 ;"RANDOMIZE USR 'a'-60"
   1 ;"RANDOMIZE USR 'a'-30"
   1 ;"Press any key to start again."''''"  
   1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY (
   1 ;"P.Lant to 16/48 Sept 1984"
   1 ;"P.005{2}   TEXTELE    Jeu 8 Mars";
   1 ;"P.003{2}   TEXTELE    Jeu 8 Mars";
   1 ;"P.000{ }    TEXTELE   Jeu 8 Mars"
   1 ;"On the hardware front Sinclair  launched the SPECTRUM PLUS and  we got a review model of the    SPRINT recorder from Challenge  Research."''"The PLUS is a 48K Spectrum in a QL type keyboard. The new manualand the unshifted punctuation   should make it easier to use.   They justify the `179.95 price  by including TASWORDII, SCRABBLEand 4 other tapes. Very pretty."
   1 ;"MUSIC TYPEWRITER starts you off with a sample in the Baroque    style which is a joy to listen  too as well as  to watch."''"I only have two reservations    about this excellent program.   It will not accept a 2/2 time   signature and the print out to  the ZX printer is only 1 bar    across."
   1 ;"MUSIC TYPEWRITER displays the   notes as they are played."''"MUSICMASTER can only offer a    static menu as it BEEPS feebly."''"The Sinclair program is creditedto 'Incognito Software Ltd.', I can quite understand the desire for anonymity."
   1 ;"Lots of stuff to get through    this month. First some answers  to Mr Lant's questions about ournew serialised adventure. This  will start next month and will  be 48K only."
   1 ;"LOAD 'WARBLE' CODE x,25"
   1 ;"LOAD 'SIREN' CODE x,21"
   1 ;"LET x=USR'a'-60";
   1 ;"LET x=USR'a'-30";
   1 ;"LET x=USR 'a'-60";
   1 ;"LET x=USR 'a'-30";
   1 ;"If you like the idea of reducingthe loading time of 16/48 or    even SABRE WULF by a factor of  four, then so long as you keep  your old recorder handy, this isstill an investment worth some  consideration."''"The SPRINT is `64.95 from,"''"CHALLENGE RESEARCH"'"218 High St"'"Potters Bar"'"Herts EN6 5BJ"
   1 ;"If you are new to the Spectrum  and 16/48 I hope we can help to convince you that you made the  right decision. If you are just new to 16/48 - WHERE WERE YOU?."''"New readers may like to know    that they can make back up      copies (for personal use only!) of almost all our programs by   BREAKing out followed by -"'" GOTO  9999(to save to tape)"'"or"'" GOTO 9998 (for microdrive)."
   1 ;"I hope you find this program    gives you a few ideas. I would  recommend that if you understandmore than 50% of this you shouldthink seriously about buying an assembler before next month.    The best are by Picturesque and Hisoft."'' "Press any key to start again."''''"  
   1 ;"For the impatient among you we  arrive at our first program in  part 2.":
   1 ;"Finally,keep up the good work   with the utilities,many of whichyou may recognise within this   program."
   1 ;"Both these programs provide a   similar initial menu. Notes of  any pitch or duration can be    selected and will be written    onto music staves according to  a selected key and time"'"signature."
   1 ;"Another game ? (y/n)"
   1 ;"ANIMATE":
   1 ;"ANIMATE"
   1 ;"A feature of past issues which Iparticularly like are the Logic problems like ~TOWER~,~MONKEY~, ~beakers~,etc,"
   1 ;"17 Barn Close"'"SEAFORD"'"East Sussex"'"BN25 3EW"
   1 ;"16/48TITLE":
   1 ;"16/48TITLE"
   1 ;"(THE PROGRAM)"
   1 ;"(ROMANTIC ROBOT, `9.95)"
   1 ;"(From SINCLAIR for `9.95)":
   1 ;"""tutor3.2"""''"Part 2 builds up a short programto manipulate the screen memory.":
   1 ;"""tutor3.1"""''"Chapter 3 of our machine code   series."''"Part 1 introduces the assembly  mnemonics for the most common   Z80 instructions.":
   1 ;"""rev2"""''"Someone said our reviews were   shallow - not any more. Stung   to the core we start a new      format which includes a screen  display and up to 4 pages of    comment for each of the six     programs reviewed.":
   1 ;"""rev1"""''"Music programs. MUSICMASTER fromSinclair and MUSIC TYPEWRITER byRomantic Robot. (one of them is really good and the other....)":
   1 ;"""letter"""''"A very pretty missive from      P Lant of Colchester.":
   1 ;"""edit"""''"News about the SPECTRUM PLUS,   the SPRINT recorder and future  developments in 16/48.":
   1 ;"""comp12"""''"Unscramble the JASPER screen andyou could win any two micromega games.":
   1 ;"""ZOUNDS"""''"Two machine code sound routines with very friendly customising  facilities and comprehensive    saving instructions. If you are following our m/code series you will find this program very     interesting.":
   1 ;"""XMAS ADV"""''"A SPELL OF CHRISTMAS ICE"''"A seasonal adventure written    with Gilsoft's QUILL by Star    Dreams Software. They tell me   that a novice should solve it   easily in two or three weeks!   (What does that make me?)":
   1 ;"""TEXTELE"""''"This French Teletext simulation was a clear winner in our       educational competition."''"I would recommend anyone wishingto use the program in a school  to send `1.00 to Stephen Reid at29 Glen Gardens, Dyce, Aberdeen so that he can send you a copy  of his question booklet." :
   1 ;"""SKYFIGHT"""''"Ian Brandon returns with this   high speed game for two.":
   1 ;"""PYRAMANIA"""''"Nicholas Murray's Spaceman Fred taking one giant leap for game  kind."''"You will need to switch off to  get out of this program and thenLOAD"""" to continue.":
   1 ;"""ANIMATE"""''"Adrian Jarvis produced this to  prove that the Spectrum could   match the BBC for graphics.     Well done Adrian.":
   1 ;"""16/48D&G12"""''"   ""OF DUNGEONS AND GREEN MEN"""''"Yaz investigates SHERLOCK.":
   1 ;" * FULL 48K PROGRAMS."''" (16K's will skip to ""letter"")":
   1 ;"  IS LOADING       PLEASE WAIT  ":
   1 ;"          ";
   1 ;"             ":
   1 ;"             "
   1 ;"                      ":
   1 ;"                         "
   1 ;"                                ";
   1 ;"                                                         ":
   1 :SIR LANCELOT:  PROGRAM: STEPHEN CARGIL. MEMORY 16/48K.           PRICE `5.95.             MELBOURNE HOUSE,         CASTLE YARD HOUSE,       CASTLE YARD,             RICHMOND,                TW10 6TF.                
   1 :SIR LANCELOT:   This is a simple arcade  /adventure of the Manic  Miner style. Your task isto travel through 24     rooms and find scattered treasure.All the treasuremust be collected from   each of the rooms before advancing to the next.   
   1 : Un appareil C130 affr#t#par la Croix Rouge, transportant55 otages lib#r#s par l'
   1 : Le corps d'un  enfant bordelais de 6 ans, dis- paru depuis 3 ans en Espagne, a #t# retrouv#.",8
   1 : Le Tunnel de Mont-    Blanc, qui relie la vall#e      d'Aoste en Suisse ! la station  fran`aise de Chamonix, sera     ferm# vendredi 9 juillet entre  13h30 et 16h30 locales en raisond'un mouvement de gr%ve.",6
   1 : La police parisienne     informe les usagers de la route que d'importants travaux sont   actuellement en cours dans la   r#gion de l'
   1 : La demi-finale McEnroe- Lendl aujourd'hui va durer plus longtemps que les deux matches  d'hier additionn#s.",6
   1 : Des r#sistants ont attaqu#, vendredi, l'a#roport deKaboul, endommageant 2 avions   civils de la compagnie nationale",8
   1 :                    Athl#tisme - meeting !          Helsinki",14
   1 99 Luft Ballons
   1 8==((((((//(
   1 888((((((///((((((((((((((((((/?888((((((((///((((((((((((((///?8888(((((((///((((((((((((((((///8888888(8(88888888========>>>><<<888=9====:888888888888===>>>>><88888=889=:8888<88
   1 888((((((((((
   1 8(88(88(hXp
   1 8((((88888>>>(((((((=((((((((((
   1 55555555555555555
   1 33333333333333C
   1 3333333333333333
   1 2wGDDtGtww
   1 23635+256*
   1 233333fffff
   1 1wwwwwwwwwwUUUU
   1 16/48TITLE
   1 16/48LOAD2
   1 16/48LOAD1
   1 16/48D&G12
   1 16/48 magazine,
   1 16/48 bigprint Tape 02
   1 16/48 A.P.S.
   1 10 Barley Mow Passage, Chiswick
   1 1 Golden Square,
   1 00000000000000055)))))))))))))))...............**(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((/++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1 . Un must.",14
   1 . Pr#sent# par      Paul Mollet.",6
   1 . Jon et Ponch sont        transf#r#s ! Malibu Beach.",11
   1 . Documentaire.",11
   1 . Dessin anim#        de Ren# Goscinny.",8
   1 . Demi-finale simple      messieurs. En direct de         Dallas USA.",17
   1 ----S. REID----
   1 -------BY------
   1 ,(k$="q")+2
   1 ,"will let you experiment with",16
   1 ,"verglas",15
   1 ,"vent faible du sud-est.",15
   1 ,"un peu de neige va   ",18
   1 ,"toute la journ#e. Un  ",14
   1 ,"tomber au-dessus de 900",19
   1 ,"soleil",12
   1 ,"pluie",10
   1 ,"neige",14
   1 ,"m. Maxima de 0
   1 ,"le beau temps va durer ",13
   1 ,"la partie nord du pays.",8
   1 ,"jusqu'! vendredi matin.",10
   1 ,"included with the SAVE option."
   1 ,"full instructions for use are",20
   1 ,"dockers !",8
   1 ,"could make EXCITING sounds ?",13
   1 ,"beau temps",19
   1 ,"attention ",14
   1 ,"Voeller",21
   1 ,"Une pluie l#g%re durera",9
   1 ,"St-Malo",9
   1 ,"Schumacher",11
   1 ,"SAVAIT TROP",7
   1 ,"Rummenigge",20
   1 ,"Rolff",16
   1 ,"Rocheteau",20
   1 ,"Renaud",19
   1 ,"Ping-Pong: Championnat de       France ! Marseille",19
   1 ,"PUSH DE",11
   1 ,"PUSH BC",12
   1 ,"POP HL",18
   1 ,"POP DE",17
   1 ,"POP BC",19
   1 ,"POP BC",16
   1 ,"Nena",20
   1 ,"NEXT:PUSH HL",10
   1 ,"NEXT:PUSH BC",4
   1 ,"Mont Blanc",17
   1 ,"Meilleur joueur fran`ais - 
   1 ,"Meier",18
   1 ,"Matthaus",17
   1 ,"Les deux joueurs se d#testent   cordialement. Jusqu'ici, Lendl  a gagn# 7 fois et McEnroe 4 foisMais en 1984 le score est de 2 !1 en faveur de l'Am#ricain.",10
   1 ,"Les #changes de tir ont dur# de 19h ! minuit. Vers 11 heures, defortes explosions ont #t# enten-dues et un t#moin a vu 5 boules de feu.                         Le 28 f#vrier les r#sistants ontlanc# des attaques dans la      banlieue ouest de la capitale.  Deux officiers de la police     secr%te ont #t# assissin#s.",12
   1 ,"Le Roux",13
   1 ,"LD HL,750",14
   1 ,"LD HL,500",7
   1 ,"LD HL,500",4
   1 ,"LD DE,60",17
   1 ,"LD DE,60",10
   1 ,"LD DE,10",7
   1 ,"LD B,50",3
   1 ,"LD B,255",9
   1 ,"L'ENFER",7
   1 ,"K-H Foerster",13
   1 ,"Jimmy Cliff",8
   1 ,"Jeux Europ#ens des Jeunes       Handicap#s",17
   1 ,"Jean-Jacques Goldman",17
   1 ,"Ingr#dients: pour 4 personnes.",9
   1 ,"Indochine",21
   1 ,"INXS",12
   1 ,"Hello Hackers,",10
   1 ,"Gilbert Montaign#",14
   1 ,"Gaulle",12
   1 ,"Frankie Goes to Holllywood",18
   1 ,"Fernandez",16
   1 ,"DEC HL",19
   1 ,"Charles de ",11
   1 ,"CALL 949",18
   1 ,"CALL 949",15
   1 ,"CALL 949",11
   1 ,"Bruns",14
   1 ,"Briegel",15
   1 ,"Brehme",19
   1 ,"Bravo",17
   1 ,"Bossis",14
   1 ,"Bellone",21
   1 ,"Battison",12
   1 ,"Bats",11
   1 ,"B.Foerster",12
   1 ,"Axel Bauer",10
   1 ,"Amoros",15
   1 ,"=temp.",7
   1 ,"6 ! 8 oeufs           du sel",15
   1 ,"4.Tunnel de ",16
   1 ,"3. Bien 
   1 ,"20h00 T#l#film: 
   1 ,"2.a#roport",10
   1 ,"2 pommes de terre     du beurre",19
   1 ,"2 ou 3 tomates        du poivre",16
   1 ,"2 machine code routines.",17
   1 ,"1 grande carotte      de l'ail",18
   1 ,"1 grand oignon        de l'huile",17
   1 ,"(1984)",8
   1 ,"(1951)",7
   1 ," Well here's a programme which",15
   1 ," Have you ever wished that you",12
   1 ," Follow the menu each time and",19
   1 ," =r#gion",6
   1 ,"  partout ",20
   1 ,"     ",15
   1 ,"        une petite po*le                une grande po*le                     un bol",11
   1 ,"        des petits pois.",20
   1 ,  est arriv# hier ! Johannesbourg.",6
   1 (prog+730),768"
   1 (prog+1217
   1 (Do look at p160 of the manual.)
   1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9:::::::::::::::8888888888888999yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999p
   1 ((((((((((
   1 '''"Press R to re-read"'"      M to Move on"'"      B to BREAK out"
   1 '''"In this part we will build up a short program to move the top   third of the screen display to  the bottom third."''"This program has been written togive a concrete example of the  instructions we have just been  looking at. There are quicker   ways of moving blocks of memory but these can wait until next   month." 
   1 ''"s may be any of the following,":
   1 ''"When the Spectrum comes across astatement such as"'"     
   1 ''"We must be able to fetch the    data from memory and put the    results where they are needed."'"The LOAD or LD instructions do  this."'"LD D,S puts the contents of S   (source) into D (destination)."
   1 ''"The screen display file starts  at address 4000H (16384)."'"The bottom third of the screen  is stored in memory at 5000H    (20480)."'"One third of the screen is 800H bytes (2048 decimal)."''"The problem is to move the 800H bytes starting at address 4000H into 800H memory locations      starting at 5000H."
   1 ''"The routine is currently stored at ";
   1 ''"The routine is a little more    impressive if we replace the    NOP (no operation) instruction  with CPL (compliment A)."''"Press any key to see the effect":
   1 ''"The first step is to define     precisely what we want to do.":
   1 ''"The Z80 has the ability to use  registers in pairs to handle 16 bit numbers (usually addresses)."''"The important point here is thatall micros suffer from a long   established convention of"'"storing 16 bit numbers with the low byte before the high byte."
   1 ''"RP is just a label. In the finalcode it will not be apparent."''"The next page shows the code    produced if the text above is   fed into an assembler."
   1 ''"Once the music has been written the computer can play it back ata chosen speed. Tunes can be    saved to tape and music copied  onto a ZX printer."
   1 ''"MUSICMASTER's only extra featureis a series of long notes about music theory which would be far better printed in the manual."
   1 ''"It is worth taking a quick look at how the Z80 can perform this operation."''"
   1 ''"In tutor4 we look the powerful  block loading instructions. See you next month.":
   1 ''"How do we read the keyboard and control the loudspeaker?":
   1 ''"Finally we need instructions to perform the equivalent of GOTO  and IF THEN GOTO."'"Jumps are absolute or relative, conditional or unconditional."
   1 ''"Dear 16/48,"''"  Just a little congratulatory  missive on the advent of your   first anniversary.I hope the    next year is as good as the lastone."
   1 ''"Back in ""tutor1.2"" (issue 10)
   1 ''" 1 ""PYRAMANIA""*
   1 ''"   A=Abort   H=Hold   S=Start   "
   1 '"Will the new adventure series"'"still feature the instant"'"graphics facility?"'"Will you be explaining how it"'"works in future issues?"'"Will you be fitting your"'"BREAK-DISABLE routine to preventpeople cheating?"
   1 '"We could try,"'"LD A,(4000H)"'"LD (5000H),A"'"LD A,(4001H)"'"LD (5001H),A  etc etc etc... Butwe can do better."
   1 '"These 4 examples show the range.":
   1 '"The use of machine code has     enabled the programmers to      produce faster and far superior graphics as well as increased   flexibility of sound. This has  resulted in staccato and tenuto options and the one major reasonfor forgetting MUSICMASTER..."
   1 '"The only clever bit is the OR   operation which can only result in zero if both B and C are 0."
   1 '"The clever part is that the sameformat is used, just the speed  is changed. This means that     programs saved on the sprint canbe loaded on a normal system andvice versa."
   1 '"Some examples;-":
   1 '"Send the tape to"'"
   1 '"It is with this in mind that I  have written (?) this letter."
   1 '"Have you though of asking MENSA to provide one of their standardtests for a future issue?"''"Perhaps you could make it into  one of your famous competitions."
   1 '" The idea of this game is to tryto bomb your opponent six times before he does the same to you."
   1 '" SAVE ""FONT""
   1 '"     Player 1      Player 2"'"  (white plane) (yellow plane)  "
   1 #nmy&nn~+nyP1nyc8n{
   1 "tutor3.2"
   1 "tutor3.1"
   1 "des probl%mes",20
   1 "a";"."'"The code in decimal is;-"'"33,0,64,17,0,80,1,0,8,126,0( or 47 for CPL),18,35,19,11,121,176,32,-10,201.":
   1 "a";" and"'"when the routine returns to
   1 "a";" and pressing any"'"key will execute a RANDOMIZE    
   1 "XMAS ADv":
   1 "XMAS 16/48"
   1 "Un nouveau film de Ted Kotcheff avec Gene Hackman et Fred Ward.",10
   1 "Un front froid traverse",7
   1 "Un film d'Alfred Hitchcock avec James Stewart et Doris Day.",10
   1 "Un film classique de John Hustonavec Humphrey Bogart et KathrineHepburn.",10
   1 "Sur les r#gions du Midi",12
   1 "Selon la police, le cadavre d'unenfant correspondant au signale-ment du jeune fran`ais a #t#    d#couverte dans le sable. La    denture et les v*tements        semblent confirmer l'identit# etune autopsie devrait d#terminer les causes de la mort. Le gar`ona disparu en juin 1980 pendant  des vacances avec ses parents.",12
   1 "SKY FIGHT"
   1 "RTL 2  23h15",7
   1 "RTL 2  15h00",7
   1 "RTL 1  20h00",7
   1 "RETOUR VERS",6
   1 "Programmes du jour","Le Hit-Parade","La M#t#o","La Recette d'Aujourd'hui","Les Voyages","Le Sport","Les Films ! la T#l#","Les Actualit#s"
   1 "Pr#visions",17
   1 "Pendant les premi%res 45 minutesSchuhmacher a montr# tout son   talent en plongeant dans les    pieds de Bellone et en bloquant un shoot d'Amoros. Mais ! l'int-ervale, le r#sultat nul #tait   #quitable.",6
   1 "Nice bugs?","AN easy grand tour","Can't take both disguises","Essential to be careful.","Is Basil lying","Where is the murder weapon?","Two murders?","No eyeglass","Things too dark","Fun with cabbies":
   1 "NOP","No Operation (for now)","LD  (DE),A","and load into destination.","INC HL","move pointer to next byte","INC DE","DE goes up as well","DEC BC","one less left to do","LD  A,C","put C into A","OR  B","result is zero if B and C are 0","JR  NZ,RP","if not 0 jump back to RP","RET","if finished go back to BASIC."
   1 "Mister (Myst%re?) Hitchcock nousdonne des moments de grand      cin#ma. Le grand Jimmy S et MissDay ont beaucoup d'aventures en essayant de retrouver leur fils unique, kidnapp# par des        terroristes sud-am#ricains. Il  est impossible de d#tacher les  yeux de l'#cran.",13
   1 "Les habitants de la station     alpine 
   1 "LD BC,(7E00H)","Loads C from (7E00)","and loads B from (7E01)","LD (3B60H),HL","Load (3B60H) from L (low byte)","and (3B61H) from H (high byte)","LD DE,0F22H","When coded the opcode for LD DE","will be followed by 22H then 0FH"
   1 "LD  HL,4000H","Point HL to source address","LD  DE,5000H","point DE to destination address","LD  BC,0800H","use BC as a counter.","RP LD  A,(HL)","fetch first byte"
   1 "LD  C,88H","Loading a register directly","with a number.","LD  A,(34F7H)","Loading A from the contents of","memory (or the reverse).","LD  (HL),A","Load memory address held in HL","from A (or the reverse).","LD  B,(IX+3)","Load a register from an indexed","address (or the reverse)."
   1 "L'enfer, c'est le Vietman. Le   retour, c'est celui d'anciens   soldats qui organisent une      exp#dition au Laos, pour aller yd#livrer quatre de leurs        compagnons, prisonniers depuis  dix ans. Le groupe s'entra_ne   rigoureusement dans le d#sert del'Arizona.",13
   1 "L'action se d#roule au Congo    allemand pendant la Premi%re    Guerre Mondiale. Une vieille    fille anglaise et un Canadien   alcoolique sont embarqu#s dans  une m*me aventure. Les          aventures de Humph, perdu dans  la jungle, sont irr#sistibles.",14
   1 "L'RTL vous propose son 
   1 "L'HOMME QUI EN",6
   1 "JP nn","Unconditional jump to the","instruction at address nn.","JR n","Relative,unconditional jump to","instruction n bytes further on.","JP cc,nn","Jump to nn on condition","that F register satisfies cc.","JR cc,n","Jump relative n bytes on","condition cc"
   1 "Il ne restait que 10 minutes !  jouer quand Six a envoy# un     centre superbe de l'aile droite:une reprise acrobatique de      Genghini et le ballon #tait     catapult# sur la gauche de      Schuhmacher.",13
   1 "Genghini",18
   1 "Dans le nord des Alpes",17
   1 "C'est pour permettre la         r#alisation de la gare SNCF d'unpart et l'#largissement de      l'autoroute N.1. d'autre part.  Les conducteurs sont donc pri#s de se conformer ! la signalisat-ion routi%re mise en place ! ceteffet et de circuler avec toute la prudence voulue afin de      garantir la s#curit# du trafic.",12
   1 "ADD s","  Add S to A","CPL  ","  Complement A","SUB s","  Subtract S from A","AND s","  Logical AND S with A","INC s","  Increment S","OR  s","  Logical OR S with A","DEC s","  Decrement S","XOR s","  Exclusive OR S with A","NEG  ","  Negate A","CP  s","  Compare S with A"
   1 ";';" We will pay `10 for published  letters or between `20 and `100 if you can send us an original  program which we can feature."''" Meanwhile enjoy the rest of the tape....":
   1 "9";"PRESS ANY KEY"
   1 "6",o;"    ADVENTURE HELP FROM Yaz.   "
   1 "33","0","64","17","0","80","1","0","8","126","0","18","35","19","11","121","176","32","-10","201"
   1 "3.Lorraine",13
   1 "23658",o:
   1 "21","00 40","LD  HL,4000H","11","00 50","LD  DE,5000H","01","00 08","LD  BC,0800H","7E","","LD  A,(HL)","00","","NOP","12","","LD  (DE),A","23","","INC HL","13","","INC DE","0B","","DEC BC","79","","LD  A,C","B0","","OR  B","20","F6","JR  NZ,-0AH","C9","","RET"
   1 "17 femmes et 21 enfants ainsi   que 7 hommes de nationalit#     polonaise et 10 Portugais ont   #t# remis en libert#, apr%s plusde 3 mois de d#tention et une   longue marche ! pied de 1300 km.Amaigris, le visage fatigu#, ilsont #t# accueillis par M Nicolasdu CICR. Les repr#sentants des  otages parlant anglais doivent  donner une conf#rence de presse.",11
   1 "16/48TITLE"
   1 "16/48LOAD2"
   1 "16/48LOAD1"
   1 "16/48D&G12"
   1 "15",i;"Press L to load Some silly game or other"
   1 "10",i;"Press R to read again.";
   1 " des",7
   1 "0","3","4","10","22","46","95","191","0","128","128","128","252","4","244","244","15","15","15","1","3","7","7","15","240","240","240","128","192","224","224","240","0","1","1","1","63","32","47","47","0","192","32","80","104","116","250","253","191","95","46","22","10","4","3","0","244","244","4","252","128","128","128","0","15","15","15","15","15","7","7","3","240","240","240","240","240","224","224","192","47","47","32","63","1","1","1","0","253","250","116","104","80","32","192","0"
   1 ","the contents of the memory address held in HL","
   1 ","a register (A,B,C,D,E,H or L)","
   1 ","a number up to 255 (00 to FFh)","
   1 "(2) = Position de la semaine          derni%re.",13
   1 "(1961)",8
   1 "'''"Follow the prompts and when the picture is displayed press"''" 
   1 "''"When you see the picture use    keys 
   1 "''"     W  1  E        N  L  M"
   1 "'"it will run the machine code    routine stored at ";
   1 "'"Include a note of which two"'"MICROMEGA games you would like  and the first 10 out of the bin on January 5th 1985 will be the lucky winners."
   1 " (See page 160 of the manual.)":
   1 "     ",12
   1 "          
   1 !dffffffff
   1 !""""""""2
   1  you will save thepicture twice to tape." 
   1  you will return  to this page and the picture    will remain as you left it."''"If you press 
   1  will use the    number to seed the RND function.This may seem like an odd thing to do, but it is commonly used  because it uses very little     memory."
   1  to turn back a page,"''" Any other key to page through   the review."'''"The display will stay on the    screen for as long as you hold  a key down."''"Don't forget 
   1  to quit."''"        
   1  to quit)"
   1  to quit and move on,"''" 
   1  to produce  the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 
   1  to move on."''"(The next screen shows half of   the display for each program.)"
   1  to move on."
   1  qui est la synth%se de   ceux des radios (Europe 1, RTL 1NRJ et RMC) et de celui de notrer#daction. Ce hit-parade        comporte 10 titres.",6
   1  ont   d#cid# de recourir ! la gr%ve   pour protester contre la        d#cision du Conseil Municipal deGrenoble, qui a refus# une      autorisation pour un projet dansla station. Le trafic sera      bloqu# durant 3 heures.",13
   1  les oeufs dessus.        
   1  les oeufs dans un bol.   
   1  les l#gumes.",17
   1  les l#gumes en d#s.      
   1  le sel et le poivre.    
   1  l'huile      dans la grande po*le.",14
   1  for hard copy)"
   1  dans une petite    po*le avec l'ail.",6
   1  a bien r#sum# la situation'Si je joue au top-niveau, j'ai une chance de le battre . Sinon,McEnroe fera valoir sa plus     grande exp#rience de gazon.'",16
   1  This is a battle that youhaven't a chance of      winning! From within yourtank you patrol a hostiledesolate landscape       inhabited by other tanks,super tanks, flying      saucers and homing       missiles.                
   1  The memory READ line is         activated by the control bus."'"
   1  The data bus is connected to    the TMP register."'"
   1  The HL register is connected    to  the address bus."'"
   1  The ALU adds the contents of    TMP and A and the result is     stored in A. Flags are set      according to the result."
   1  Magazines Ltd.*6\$:
   1  ATARI APPROVED           PROGRAM: BILL WITTS      MEMORY 48K ONLY          PRICE `6.95              QUICKSILVA MAIL ORDER.   P.O BOX 6,               WIMBOURNE,               DORSET,                  BH12 7PY.                
   1  7 ""XMAS ADV""
   1  6 ""rev1""
   1  5 ""tutor3.2""
   1  4 ""tutor3.1""
   1  3 ""edit""
   1  2 cuiller#es d'eau.",11
   1  2 ""letter""
   1  ","the contents of the address                   n bytes above that held in the index register."
   1  """"2#"3"2#"3"2#"""
   1   will run the code  and then print the same number."''"
   1   T H E  C O N T R O L S  
   1   S K Y  F I G H T  
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